Silverleaf whitefly in cotton – an update

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Silverleaf whitefly (SLW) is a serious pest of cotton. It reduces yield and quality of cotton due to feeding damage and excretion of honey dew. It is a difficult pest to manage due to its ability to rapidly increase in numbers and the development of resistance to many insecticides. Resistance testing for the 2007-08 season indicated no alarming results for… Read more »

New Helicoverpa thresholds in vegetative soybeans

The new economic threshold for Helicoverpa in vegetative soybeans is 8 larvae per sqare metre and replaces the old 33% defoliation threshold. The new threshold is based on field trials conducted by John Rogers (formerly with DPI&F at Kingaroy). These field trials show that approximately 7.5 larvae per square metre can be tolerated with no yield loss, but that severe… Read more »

Insurance spray for mirids in Bollgard II

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With the Festive Season almost here and an irrigation pending, is there value in applying a spray for mirids for peace of mind? This decision to apply an insurance spray needs to be carefully considered because it has the potential to cost much more in the long run. Where do mirids come from? Mirids overwinter as adults on wild hosts…. Read more »

Thresholds and changing sorghum crop value

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Growers and consultants need to revise the thresholds used for important insect pests of grain sorghum such as corn earworm and sorghum midge in light of lower prices currently being offered. With new crop grain sorghum prices below $200 per tonne, the break even cost of control means that higher pest numbers (density) are needed before control becomes economic, compared… Read more »

Bring on NPV against grubs on grain sorghum

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Every year caterpillars of the corn earworm (helicoverpa), Helicoverpa armigera, cause losses to sorghum crops. Regular inspection during flowering is important to detect caterpillar infestations and properly time control measures. Pre-flowering heads of grain sorghum are very attractive to egg-laying moths of the corn earworm. On any individual head, most eggs are laid prior to the start of flowering, as… Read more »

Managing Helicoverpa larvae in chickpea crops close to dessication and harvest.

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Over the last week or so we have received a number of enquiries about how best to manage new egg-lays, and populations of small larvae, in chickpea crops that are close to dessication and senescing. Of most concern are crops that still have reasonable areas of green crop in them, and what the likelihood of damage is if the weather… Read more »

Armyworm in wheat

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Over the past couple of weeks there have been numerous reports of armyworm in both barley and wheat. The appearance of armyworm in wheat raises a number of questions: 1) Do they behave the same way in wheat as in barley in relation to the type of damage they cause 2) what is their damage potential and is there an… Read more »

Helicoverpa management in chickpea – a refresher

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A comprehensive overview of Helicoverpa management in chickpea can be found in the DPI&F brochure Helicoverpa management in chickpea (2007). Key management decisions The following is an excerpt from the Helicoverpa management in chickpea brochure, and deals specificially with determining whether an infestation of helicoverpa warrants control – based on the economics of potential yield loss vs cost of control…. Read more »

What are those grubs in winter cereals?

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Grubs in winter cereals are not unusual at this time of year, and already there have been reports of high numbers (up to 20/m2) in Central Queensland wheat (Figure 1). More grubs can be expected in southern districts as the season warms up. The two most likely larvae (grubs) found in winter cereals are the corn earworm, Helicoverpa armigera, and… Read more »

Cereal Aphids in wheat and barley Spring 2008

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Cereal aphid numbers have increased rapidly over the past 3 weeks as the temperatures have increased. Whilst low numbers of aphids have been present in many crops (wheat and barley) for some time, it was not until a couple of weeks ago that numbers reached levels of concern to agronomists and growers. Until the last few seasons, cereal aphids have… Read more »