
The DAF Field Crops Entomology team undertake a wide range of field and laboratory research and extension activities in both grains and cotton. Focal areas include:

  • Determining damage potential of pest species
  • Developing economic thresholds
  • Evaluating efficacy of sampling and management methods
  • Evaluating efficacy and IPM fit of insecticides
  • Screening for insecticide resistance (current focus: silverleaf whitefly in cotton)
  • Analysing impact of beneficials on pest species
  • Evaluating impact on beneficials of pest management methods
  • Pest management advice to growers and agronomists
  • Extension via workshops, field-days, industry updates and multimedia.

The team gratefully acknowledges funding and support from GRDC and CRDC towards its research and extension projects, and the gen­er­ous coop­er­a­tion of grow­ers and agronomists.

The DAF Grains Pathology team undertake a wide range of field and laboratory research and extension activities. Focal areas include:

  • Diagnosis of fungal, bacterial and viral disease samples submitted by growers and agronomists
  • Surveillance of grain crops across Queensland and New South Wales for the incidence and severity of endemic and exotic pathogens each season
  • Disease management advice to growers and agronomists
  • Extension activities via workshops, field-days, and industry updates