Submitting samples for diagnostics

Some diseases can be difficult to diagnose in the field, particularly where symptoms are unusual or inconclusive.  Providing samples for diagnosis can help confirm pathogen presence or identify an incursion.

To be useful, samples need to arrive in good condition. Below are some contacts for specific crops, and instructions on collecting and submitting samples to ensure they are able to be processed when they arrive at the laboratory.

Who to contact?

  • For winter cereal disease concerns please contact Lisle Snyman
    on 0428 324 932 or [email protected].
  • Murray Sharman should be contacted for virus or phytoplasma diseases
    on 0467 721 400 or [email protected].
  • For fungal or bacterial diseases in winter pulses and summer broad-acre field crops, contact Lisa Kelly on 0477 747 040 or [email protected].

For instructions on submitting disease samples refer to the Plant Disease Submission Form.