Information on diseases relevant to the Northern Grains Region.
On this page:
Industry factsheets
- Fusarium wilt in mungbean (GRDC)
- Soybean Phomopsis/Diaporthe (2015 pdf by Soy Australia)
- Soybean charcoal rot (2015 pdf by Soy Australia)
- Soybean mildews (2015 pdf by Soy Australia)
- Soybean Phytophthora (2015 pdf by Soy Australia)
- Soybean Sclerotinia (2015 pdf by Soy Australia)
- Fungicide resistance in pulses (GRDC)
- Ramularia leaf spot in barley (GRDC)
- Managing fungicide resistance: barley powdery mildew (GRDC)
- Fungicide resistance in barley (GRDC)
- Crown Rot – Northern Region (GRDC)
- Root Lesion Nematode – Northern Region (GRDC)
Exotic pests
Biosecurity factsheets (Plant Health Australia pdfs)
- Barley stripe rust
- Sorghum downy mildew
- Chickpea fusarium wilt
- Karnal bunt
- Mungbean yellow mosaic virus
- Wheat blast
- Wheat stem rust
Beatsheet posts
Below is a list of the most recent Beatsheet posts that include information on transmittable diseases (including those with insect vectors), crop disorders, and insect/plant/disease interactions (e.g. when insect damage allows entry pathways for pathogens):
- How to best manage powdery mildew in your mungbeans
- Disease alert: bacterial diseases in mungbean
- New virus confirmed in soybean in the Burdekin region
- Be on the lookout for disease this winter
- Warm and wet conditions are ideal for diseases
- Managing the risk of tobacco streak virus in sunflowers is as easy as 1, 2, 3
- Reports of Fusarium wilt in southern Queensland mungbeans
- Phytoplasma disease outbreak in NQ mungbeans
- Keep an eye out for these diseases in cereal and pulse crops
- Phytoplasma puffy pod and TSV are still present in CQ mungbean
Useful links
- Visit the chickpea ascochyta blight (Ascochyta rabiei) ‘AscoDashboard’
- Search for specific disease at GRDC or look through their Updates and Grownotes
- Centre for crop and disease management
- NSW DPI broadacre crops
- DAF QLD broadacre field crops
- Disease management in cotton (CottonInfo)