Green lacewing larvae are generalist predators, and are important natural enemies of a range of pests including aphids, helicoverpa, whitefly and mealybugs. There are many species of green lacewings in Australia, including some that commonly occur in field crops. Readers are most likely to be familiar with Mallada signatus, which regularly features in ID guides, but another species, Plesiochyrsa ramburi… Read more »
Solenopsis mealybug can be found throughout Queensland’s cropping areas and has also been confirmed in Western Australia, the Northern Territory and Victoria. Whilst solenopsis has not yet been confirmed in NSW cotton crops it would be reasonable to assume that it is likely to be present in the broader landscape and it is only a matter of time before it… Read more »
DAFF Queensland entomologists have confirmed a small outbreak of Solenopsis mealybug (Phenacoccus solenopsis) on a cotton property west of Dalby on the Darling Downs. This is the same species of mealybug that affected cotton crops in Emerald and the Burdekin in 2010 and more recently in the South Burnett.
Solenopsis mealybug (Phenacoccus solenopsis) was first identified at Emerald and the Burdekin during the 2009-10 cotton growing season. This sucking pest causes leaf distortion, stunting and reduced boll size and number. Heavy infestations can lead to plant death. Solenopsis mealybugs also produce a honeydew which affects photosynthesis and leads to sooty mould development on lint. This pest has the potential… Read more »
Farm hygiene underpins the successful management of a number of major pests. The recent appearance of solonopsis mealybug has highlighted again the importance of farm hygiene. We already know from past experiences with silverleaf whitefly, aphids and bunchy top that it makes economic sense to keep on top of weeds and volunteer cotton. Good farm hygiene over winter is an investment in next season’s crop.
Biosecurity Queensland has confirmed an outbreak of an exotic species of mealybug currently affecting cotton properties in Emerald is also present in cotton crops in the Burdekin region. The exotic species of mealy bug is commonly known as the Solenopsis mealybug (Phenacoccus solenopsis).
Outbreaks of mealybugs have recently been reported from a number of cotton farms in central Queensland. While mealybugs are considered a minor pest of cotton, they have, on rare occasions, reached minor outbreak levels or ‘hotspots’ in commercial crops in central Queensland