Keeping an eye out for diseases this winter

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From this winter, the Beatsheet will start expanding to incorporate information on broadacre crop diseases (including alerts, identification and management).

Recent alerts have been issued to watch for the diseases below:

  • Ascochyta blight – reported in chickpeas in the eastern Downs
  • Cereal rust – reported from southern Queensland and northern New South Wales.
  • Bean yellow mosaic virus – detected in faba beans in the eastern Downs. Some plants also have unusual necrosis symptoms (see image below) and DAF pathologists are working on determining the cause.

Ascochyta blight symptoms in chickpea

Cereal rust

Look out for rust pustules on leaves and stems

Typical bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV) symptoms (chlorotic mosaic on upper leaves) in a faba bean crop from the eastern Downs.

Unusual necrosis symptoms (mixed with BYMV infection) along stems and petioles and some deformation of leaf growth that have also been seen in faba bean crops on eastern Downs.

Who to contact regarding further information on disease diagnosis:

Monitor chickpea crops closely for Aschochyta blight symptoms symptoms. Contact DAF plant pathologist, Lisa Kelly at [email protected] or 0477 747 040.

Monitor cereal crops closely and submit rust samples for pathotype testing. Contact DAF cereal pathologist, Lisle Snyman at [email protected].

If you see concerning symptoms in faba bean crops, contact plant pathologist Murray Sharman ([email protected], 0467 721 400) or Lisa Kelly (details above).

Further information on these diseases

The University of Sydney monitors cereal rust pathotypes throughout Australia. View their 2021-22 interactive rust survey map.

Disease surveillance is supported by GRDC via the project  DAQ2106-007RTX  “Disease surveillance and related diagnostics for the Australian grains industry (within the northern region).”