A wet spring has led to outbreaks of halo blight in several spring-planted mungbean crops throughout southern Queensland. Tan spot has also been detected in some crops.
Avoid replanting seed from crops affected with halo blight and tan spot and minimise the spread of these diseases by restricting access and ensuring good farm hygiene. Avoid movement through infected paddocks and thoroughly clean down machinery, vehicles and footwear before entering clean paddocks.

Halo blight affected mungbean plant in a crop growing in southeast Queensland. Photo: L Kelly
Tan spot lesions often start on the edge of mungbean leaves
The photo above shows marginal and interveinal necrosis in a mungbean plant with tan spot.
For more information on halo blight, see the Beatsheet article Is your mungbean seed free of halo blight?.If you see disease symptoms in grain crops, please contact plant pathologist Lisa Kelly ([email protected], 0477 747 040) for further information on disease diagnosis.
This research has been supported by GRDC project DAQ2407-001RTX. Photographs by Lisa Kelly.