Category Archives: sampling

Be alert: mice numbers may be increasing in a paddock near you

There have been reports of sporadic moderate to high mouse activity from several Australian grain growing regions, including southern Queensland, where 3 sites had high activity (with up to 800 burrows/ha at one site). See the April GRDC/CSIRO Mouse Update for more information. High mice numbers when winter crops are planted can result in significant economic damage, and summer crops… Read more »

Keep an eye out for mice

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There have been reports of mice activity in some crops around the Central Highlands, including grain sorghum, mungbean and cotton. Numbers of house mice (Mus domesticus) are generally low in cropping areas, but plagues can occur when conditions are favourable. Mouse populations have the potential to build rapidly and can do considerable damage in high numbers. Controlling plagues is both… Read more »

Bigger is not better when it comes to beat sheet sampling

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How long should my beat sheet stick be?  is a question that was asked at a recent Accredited Mungbean Agronomist Course. A common misconception is that a beat sheet stick should be as long as the beat sheet is wide. A standard beat sheet is usually at least 1.5 m across, but the stick should only be 1 metre long…. Read more »