GRDC Grains Research Update – Dubbo

9:30 am – 3 pm Wednesday 22 February 2023 For more information and to register visit

GRDC Grains Research Update – Goondiwindi

9:30 am Tuesday 28 February – 3:10 pm Wednesday 1 March 2023 Includes a presentation on 'Fall armyworm impacts by crop, management strategy & resistance by Melina Miles (DAF Qld) For more information and to register visit

GRDC Grains Research Update Mullaley

8:30 am – 3:10 pm Thursday 2 March 2023 For more information and to register visit

GRDC Grains Research Update – Warra

For more information and to register, visit the GRDC website. Topics: Improving nitrogen management in grain sorghum - 3 years looking at timing & type. Trevor Philp (Pacific Seeds) Optimising the nitrogen investment. Understanding & minimising N losses while feeding the crop what it needs. Mike Bell (UQ) Early plant sorghum - is it worth it? An economic comparison with two case... Read more »

GRDC update – Wagga Wagga

14-15 February 2024. Presentations on cereal diseases, including rust, Septoria and crown rot included on day 1. More information and registration at the GRDC website.

GRDC update – Baradine

28 February 2024. Includes a session on fusarium crown rot. More information and registration at the GRDC website.

GRDC update: Dubbo

Thursday 29 February and Friday 1 March 2024. Sessions include aphid management, soil borne diseases, crown rot, net blotch, rust, and sclerotinia. More information and registration at the GRDC website.

GRDC update – Goondiwindi

Tuesday 5 and Wednesday 6 March 2024. Sessions include aphids, insecticide impacts on beneficials, crown rot, net-blotch and automated disease detection. More information and registration at the GRDC website.

GRDC online update – includes aerial application and drones

Free GRDC webinar on Tuesday 4 June from 10-11:30 am AEST. Topics include: Increasing momentum behind on-farm sustainability accreditation and developing market signals.  ISCC canola standards and market access issues when selling canola overseas.  Rosemary Richards (Sustainable Grain Australia) Aerial application in broadacre crop production. Scott Mackie (South East Air Ag) Use & misuse Communications between growers and the pilot what’s needed... Read more »

GRDC Grains Research Update, online – Grain storage update for the northern & southern regions

Free webinar 9-10:30 on Tuesday 11 June on: Aeration system design – The uses and limitations of existing aeration systems & questions to ask when purchasing or retrofitting. Alex Conway (GRDC Grain Storage Extension Team) Grain type & fan performance Fan performance & motor limitations Airflow Cooling results & air flow rates. Venting after fumigation – research comparing trial results... Read more »

GRDC Grains Research Update – Talwood

23 July 2024. $30pp. Includes sessions with the latest information on crown rot in cereals and fall armyworm in sorghum and maize. For more information and to register, visit the GRDC website.

GRDC Grains Research Update – Goondiwindi

Two-day Update on 30-31 July 2024, including several sessions on plant protection. Single day attendance and online viewing are also available. For the full agenda, pricing and registration, visit the GRDC website.