Ca. Phytoplasma aurantifolia
Jump to: faba bean | mungbean | peanut | pigeon pea | soybean | weeds
Phytoplasma in faba bean
- Little leaf and leaf-like flower structures on faba bean infected with phytoplasma
- Little leaf and leaf-like flower structures on faba bean infected with phytoplasma
Phytoplasma in mungbean
- Phytoplasma infected mungbean showing net-like pattern on pods associated with puffy pod symptoms
- Phytoplasma infected mungbean showing leaf-like flower structures
- Phytoplasma infected mungbean showing severe little leaf and leaf-like flower structures
- Phytoplasma infected mungbean showing severe little leaf, dwarfed plant
- Phytoplasma infected mungbean showing severe little leaf, dwarfed plant
- Phytoplasma infected mungbean showing net-like pattern on pods associated with puffy pod symptoms and leaf-like flower structures
- Comparison of puffy pod (phytoplasma-infected) and healthy mungbean pods and seeds
- Comparison of puffy pod (phytoplasma-infected) and healthy mungbean pods and seeds
Phytoplasma in peanut
- Little leaf and yellowing of peanut infected with phytoplasma in crop canopy
- Little leaf and chlorosis on peanut plant infected with phytoplasma viewed from above
- Peanut phytoplasma little leaf viewed in crop canopy
- Peanut phytoplasma little leaf and stem splitting close up
- Peanut phytoplasma little leaf viewed from side
- Peanut phytoplasma causing greenish and upturning pegs
- Peanut kernel shrivel caused by phytoplasma compared to healthy kernels
Phytoplasma in pigeon pea
- Phytoplasma infected pigeon pea showing leaf-like flower structures and proliferation of branching (witches broom)
- Phytoplasma infected pigeon pea showing some little leaf growth and leaf-like flower structures
- Stunted pigeon pea plants infected with phytoplasma
Phytoplasma in soybean
- Soybean phytoplasma with little pods and curled leaves
- Soybean phytoplasma with little leaf symptoms in crop canopy from side
- Soybean phytoplasma with little leaf symptoms in crop canopy from top
- Soybean phytoplasma with little leaf symptoms from side
Phytoplasma in weeds
- Severe phytoplasma symptoms on cobblers pegs including little leaf, witches broom appearance and greening of flower structures
- Parthenium weed with phytoplasma little leaf symptoms and greening of flower structures
- Siratro weed with and without phytoplasma little leaf symptoms