Category Archives: resistance

Movento® resistance in silverleaf whitefly

As part of the cotton industry’s proactive approach to managing resistance risks, there is an ongoing program of resistance surveillance in the major pest species. Resistance to spirotetramat (Movento®) was first detected in silverleaf whitefly (SLW) in the Burdekin region in 2016. From 2016–2024, 131 SLW populations have been collected and tested for resistance to spirotetramat, 4 populations were from… Read more »

Keeping an eye on FAW resistance

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Since 2022, an insecticide resistance surveillance program for fall armyworm (FAW) has been conducted annually by NSWDPIRD in collaboration with DAF entomologists. Resistance to older products, such as carbamates (Group 1A), organophosphates (Group 1B) and pyrethroids (Group 3A) has been confirmed in many FAW populations worldwide, and there are concerns that the increase in spraying to control FAW may lead… Read more »

Latest FAW research – what to consider when making management decisions

With the detection of fall armyworm (FAW, Spodoptera frugiperda) throughout Queensland and now in major cropping regions in NSW, growers are wondering about the best management options for protecting their summer cereal crops. The latest research from NSW DPI provides information that can assist growers in deciding the most appropriate course of action for managing outbreaks of fall armyworm if… Read more »

Helicoverpa insecticide resistance levels so far this summer

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Each year NSW Department of Primary Industries conducts a Helicoverpa insecticide resistance surveillance program in the major summer cropping regions of NSW and QLD, focussed on detecting Helicoverpa resistance to the insecticides indoxacarb, emamectin benzoate and chlorantraniliprole. The program provides growers and advisors with an early warning system for potential resistance hot-spots in the northern region, and is essential for… Read more »

New strategy released to manage helicoverpa resistance

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A new resistance management strategy (RMS) for Helicoverpa armigera has been released for the northern grain production region. It is anticipated that it will be adopted first in the current chickpea crop. H. armigera is a major pest of grain crops and presents a significant management challenge due to the current reliance on chemical control, and resistance to several insecticide… Read more »

New insecticides for the control of silverleaf whitefly (SLW) in cotton, and considerations for resistance management

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Two new insecticides have recently been registered to control Bemisia tabaci B-biotype in cotton. Product Insecticide group Active ingredient Pest Exirel® anthranilic diamide (Group 28) cyantraniliprole SLW, Helicoverpa, cotton aphid (suppression only) Starkle® neonicotinoid (Group 4A) dinotefuran SLW & green mirid Exirel® was registered for cotton use in the 2013/14 season, and Starkle® has been registered for the current cotton… Read more »