These Forums, for growers and advisers, will provide an opportunity to hear about recent research into the management of insect pests in grains and cotton. Researchers will be able to discuss with you strategies and options for the upcoming season, what to look out for, and how to minimise your risk of losses caused by key insect pests.
The forums are being held at two locations on Thursday the 28th of July:
The Dalby RSL: 9am – 11.30am
The Brookstead Hall: 1.30pm – 4.00pm
Topics and presenters
Cotton Bunchy top 
(Murray Sharman – DEEDI Virologist, Lewis Wilson – CSIRO Entomologist, Jeff Werth – DEEDI weed scientist)
After the prevalence of cotton aphids and cotton bunchytop in some parts of the Downs, now is the time to start thinking about how to reduce aphid populations and remove sources of bunchytop that may otherwise invade your cotton crops next season.
Seedling pests of cereals 
(Hugh Brier – DEEDI Entomologist)
Winter and spring crops are susceptible to a host of establishment pests, and cool and wet conditions can exacerbate the damage they cause. Learn what might be a problem this season, and how to identify the pest and its damage, and what you can do to control or manage the problem. Hugh will run through the common, and not-so-common, establishment pests.
Pest suppressive landscapes
(Nancy Schellhorn – CSIRO Entomologist and Jamie Hopkinson – DEEDI Entomologist)
Ever wondered whether the trees and shrubs along the creek, or in that nearby reserve were harbouring beneficial insects that might be benefitting your crops? Well, this is the focus of research being undertaken on the Downs, in NSW and WA. Nancy Schellhorn is leading a project that is examining the relationship between remnant vegetation and pest and beneficial abundance to answer questions about the role of this vegetation in the agricultural landscape.
Minimising the risk of a Solenopsis Mealybug outbreak 
(Melina Miles, DEEDI Entomologist)
You may have heard about the mealybug outbreak in Emerald cotton two seasons ago. You may be wondering if this new pest is coming your way. Melina has been involved in preliminary work on this pest, and will discuss some key management and monitoring strategies to minimise the likelihood of an outbreak in your crops.
For more information contact Melina Miles at the Toowoomba DEEDI office on 4688 1369, or 0407113306.
Morning and afternoon tea will be provided. For catering purposes please RSVP to [email protected]