Insect ID and management workshop 2025

The Queensland Department of Primary Industries will hold a free insect identification and management workshop at Goondiwindi on Wednesday 2 April starting at 9am (Queensland time).

NOTE: This workshop was originally planned for the 26 March, but after being informed that the MVCFDC Field Day was also planned for that day, it will now be held a week later.  Our apologies for any inconvenience. 

The workshop will focus on a ‘back to basics’, targeting the major insect pests of summer grains, summer pulses, winter cereals and winter pulses.

Suitable for early career agronomists, farm managers interested in learning more about insect pests, or as a ‘refresher’ for more experienced agronomists, the workshop will include a wide selection of interactive ‘hands-on’ activities and live specimens.

You’ll be provided with the opportunity and resources to:

  • identify ‘easily confused’ pest and beneficial species.
  • examine examples of crop damage and apply your inner sleuth to work out possible causes.
  • learn how to avoid some of the more common identification pitfalls.
  • pick up some tricks on how to approach identification of unfamiliar species, and learn what actually happens if that unfamiliar species turns out to be an exotic incursion.

Morning tea and lunch will be provided – please indicate on the registration form if you have any specific dietary requirements. The day is expected to finish around mid-afternoon (depending on how involved the discussions become).

Please let us know when you register what crops or situations you work with, to ensure that the workshop contains content relevant to you.
Places are limited. Book now to avoid disappointment! 
Note: Several similar workshops will be held in the future. If you would like us to consider holding one in your area, please express your interest using the form below.

Register or EOI now

Register or EOI now

Register for the 2025 insect ID and management workshop (at Goondiwindi on 26 March) or express an interest in having a workshop in your region.

2025 Workshop
(*postponed from 26/3 due to clash with another event)
Please check your email is typo-free before submitting, as all notifications and further information will be sent to this address.
Highlight insect, crop or other topic areas of interest to you (and/or suggest a location for a future workshop).
Other relevant info (e.g. if you are only able to attend part of the day etc)

This workshop has received support from GRDC through project DAQ2407-001RTX.